Posts tagged ‘sinatra’

October 6, 2011

Steve Jobs Legacy

by Omri Ofek Luzon

It’s been 56 years for the Apple-man Steve Jobs, and during these years we saw an amazing change in both the computing world and our way of living. I could easily point a finger at Jobs as one of the major reasons for that change, but to be honest – it’s not interesting.

Yes, I know it’s cruel, or maybe insensitive to say such a thing. But seriously, when it all comes down to it – when you die, does it really matter? When everything you’ve created comes down to a moment in which the world cease to be for you, than what does it all really mean? And if that’s not a better question than the legacy of Steve Jobs – then things turned a bit too technical. And yes, that is one thing I can blame Steve Jobs for: The world is turning too fast. Life is moving too fast.

I don’t know much about the world, but I’m sure that whatever it is I will eventually understand – it would probably not mean as much as what I won’t understand. And that idea, of not understanding, scares me much more than what I do understand. Our modern world vision is all about accessibility – lightening fast information, easy access, reach-ability, intuitiveness, with the touch of a finger. All that hard labor for what? You got it right – Angry Birds.

Don’t get me wrong, it is a much softer and faster world, and things are easier and much more comfortable now than 56 years ago – and that’s a remarkable thing for which Mr. Jobs contributed more than I can imagine. Still, don’t you sometime wish to just write something down, the old way, with a pencil and a paper, just for the sake of knowing that “Damnit! I can do it my way!”?